Cam Gifts BadlandsChugs a Mini Das Boot!!!

You won’t believe your eyes. Competitive Eating Legend Eric Badlands Booker is using my Mini Das Boot Glass to taste test drinks! Him and I are cool now, after years of hardcore competition. Watch our new video where “BadlandsChugs” samples a sour soda before doing a Triple Barrel guzzle. I’m glad we are on the same page now, because he is a tough competitor. More soon. Thanks for watching. #hugs #chugs #consumption #cameronmckirdy23 #SUBSCRIBE

Booker will try anything on his YouTube Channel. Find him on Cameo too. Beats by OKHIPHOP.
Pro Gurgitators Eater X and BadlandsChugs race in Chocolate Pudding for MLE.


Kind of Eric “BadlandsChugs” Booker to give me a shout out at Media Day!

Hey Fam, It’s Cam The Cuddler! Back from New York City. Once again, I participated in the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Contest as a chugger VS superstar Eric Badlands Booker. Checkout his YouTube channel: BadlandsChugs to view our chugging highlights. Leading up to the event, my sideshow friends and I put in countless hours of training so that we’d be ready to put on an epic performance in front of thousands at Coney Island in New York. To prepare, I lost weight, strengthened my neck muscles, and perfected rapid drinking techniques. By July 4th, I was in peak form. #hungyandfocused The rules of the chugging contest are simple, we had one minute to drink a gallon of lemonade. First to finish the over 8 lb drink wins The Title. This year’s Event was special because bragging rights were on the line to go with a new one-of-a-kind Major League Eating Championship Belt!

Cam Took Joey Chestnut’s Mustard Belt at Nathan’s Famous #nyc

The moment was here, as officials gave us the countdown and the chuggers started guzzling. For the next 60 seconds, I welcomed the struggle – and pain – that comes with an endless river of lemonade surging down your esophagus. Ultimately, I finished in 3rd place, with a personal best. But it was Guinness Record holder, Badlands Booker #badlandschugs who once again dominated with a New World Record, finishing his gallon in only 20 seconds! Visit my TikTok @cameronmckirdy23 for epic clips of the event. After the liquid leveled, I’m just glad I got hang with The Champs. Hot Dog Dominator, Joey “Jaws” Chestnut reinforced to me what it takes to win and stay at the top. Jaws, Badlands Chugs, and the female hotdog winner, Miki Sudo, always show heart, determination, and kindness to the fans, media, and organizers. My friends really are “The Cream of The Crop.” I encourage you to push through life’s challenges, and reach for the sky…like fireworks on the 4th of July. Have a blast this Summer.

Platonically yours,


Cam Hanging with Legend Eric “BadlandsChugs” Booker in Coney Island, NY!
Book Booker on Cameo Today for personalized Chug Mentions


You can finally watch Cameron McKirdy for free via Vice’s YouTube Channel

After years of waiting, my documentary film is now available at no charge! I spent weeks getting ready for the shoot, which lasted two days. VICE Canada come down to play with me in Washington State, and Oregon. Host Rick McCrank was a nice guy, and the crew was professional. They made me look good, and I sure was famous for awhile when the show, called “Abandoned” Episode 5 was released on the new TV network. I was on endless reruns, and now I’m on their YouTube! What a thrill. Enjoy the show. #actor #oregon #pnw #personality #mc

Reach out and say hi via

Best wishes,

Cam The Cuddler

Competitive Eating Instructional DVDs By Cameron McKirdy

Starring The McKirdy Bros.

Learn how to become a Professional Eater with Cameron Consumption McKirdy’s educational video system.  Eat more food today!  *Order now by subscribing.  Look what it did for Andrew McKirdy.  He followed the steps, and became ranked in the top 50 with Major League Eating, along side his older brother Cam.  Now it’s your time to step up to the plate.  Thanks for visiting the blog.  

ce infomercialCameron McKirdy’s Infomercial on YouTube for Pro Eating DVDs

*Not Really


Welcome Trailer – Please Subscribe to Cameron McKirdy on YouTube

Produced by Cameron McKirdy of Seaside, Oregon

I’ve been busy creating more HD videos for your viewing pleasure.  This is my new channel trailer for YouTube.  Click the link below to watch all of my videos for FREE, and please SUBSCRIBE TODAY!  I will follow you back.  Keep checking out this blog.  Tons of adventures, and fun posts are coming to my website.  Email me at if you’d like to work with me on a project.  I look forward to being with you.

Cameron McKirdy

Cam chill’n with Smokey The Bear at the McKenzie River Ranger Station in Oregon



Graffiti on Trains in Longview Washington HD

Produced By Cameron McKirdy

Long before writing on public spaces was a felony, Prehistoric Art decorated cave walls more than 40,000 years ago.  Now, only faceless corporations can afford to get their message out to the public via obnoxious billboards, and intrusive signs.  It’s a shame really.  I’m no graffiti writer, but I do appreciate people expressing themselves at any cost.

Art should be free.  Screw paying for admission to your overrated museums.  I’d rather take a walk along the train track and see the traveling Art show on the railroad freight cars.  I created this video so you could appreciate the bold tags that They don’t want you to see.  City planners want you to live comfortably in a pristine little town, with no personality, and tidy flower boxes along concrete walkways.  Boring.

train bombingHow sick is this?

Embrace graffiti.  It’s one of the purest forms of Art.  If I see a Thomas Kinkade painting in your house, I’m going to puke on it.  Let’s get real, and question what we view as Art.  

In Eugene, Oregon there are public graffiti walls for anyone to tag freely.  We need more open spaces dedicated to this Art form.  Or else it may be on your store’s walls, in public restrooms, or on road signs.  On the flip side, look at what Banksy just got away with in New York City.  His work became instant tourist attractions.  Shop owners wouldn’t dare paint over them.  And the police wasted untold amounts of resources trying to capture a harmless young man, committing essentially victimless “crimes.”  His messages are important, and so are others.  We will be heard.  Of course, it’s all subjective.  But in my opinion, real Art is in the streets.  Garbage hangs in the galleries on Broadway.  Fight the power. 

graffiti train carTaken By Cameron McKirdy

Short Circuit House in Astoria Oregon HD Video

Produced By Cameron McKirdy

You’re looking at the “Stephanie’s house” used in the 1986 cult classic Short Circuit starring Alley Sheedy, and Steve Guttenburg.  The address is 197 Hume Ave. in Astoria, Oregon.  Visit on your next trip to Clatsop County.  This is a historic landmark, and fun to see in person.  In the HD video above you can see the famous Astoria Megler bridge that goes to Washington.  It spans 4.1 miles over the Columbia River.  Thanks for watching.  More productions soon.

short-circuit-originalCourtesy of: Warner Bros.

Cameron McKirdy Ring Announcer at Beach Brawls in Seaside Oregon

Radio Spot and YouTube promo performed by Cameron McKirdy in Seaside, OR.

Watch Cameron introduce and announce fighter Peter Toyas as the winner over Dave Mcmanis.  McKirdy hosted MMA fights called Beach Brawls at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center back in 2011.  Contact Cameron McKirdy through here if you’d like him to MC your event, or film it.

cam ring announcerThe Greatest Ring Announcer of All Time